Academy of Science Technology and Communication
Academy of Science Technology and Communication

Academy of Science Technology and Communication

Vision and Mission

The organization: "Academy for Science, Technology and Communication (ASTC)" established in 2004, is formed with no profit motive and no commercial activity is involved in its functioning. With its expertise in science popularization, it provides a forum to interact through its vibrant academic and research programs like Seminars, Symposia, Panel Discussions including publications etc.

ASTC acts as an ideal place for taking ideas through state of the art, research and development and serve the Society by creating an outstanding knowledge base, to meet the expectations of the scientific community with intensive novel ideas.

ASTC is also a unique forum to cater to the needs of academia and industry through its programs with interdisciplinary approach with a commitment towards betterment of society. We envision that together with a vibrant team of scientists we will meet the expectations, requirements of the scientific community and addressing of global scientific issues.

About ASTC

Since its inception in the year 2004, the Academy for Science Technology and Communication has been contributing to the spread of scientific awareness so as to touch the different and indeed all sections of society with its available limited resources. There is a small gap in holding its activities as originally planned due to various reasons. However, the Seminars and Symposia, Panel Discussions organized earlier attracted much attention with a large gathering of scientists and engineers besides research students. The academy is now focussing with its innovative ideas and recreating to organize multifarious annual activities by bringing together the scientists, engineers, doctors on a common platform to discuss on matters of current scientific interest.